Posts filed under: Topics

The vast majority of organizations are always seeking for ways to improve. When I speak to Executive leaders and ask them whether they are trying to find ways to make their company more profitable, operate more efficiently, and become more sustainable, of...
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Most organizations acknowledge that front-line managers are the key to success. The challenge is that they often stop at this point. The real opportunity lies at the level above front-line managers. With the best of intentions, mid-level managers can adversely...
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It is a challenge for organizations to drive ownership and accountability to the front lines. Every day, the tension between employees and their direct supervisors mounts because it is the employees’ sole responsibility to drive the activities that add value...
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The higher senior leaders progress in the ranks, the harder it becomes to keep a pulse of the work itself. Consequently, front-line managers have the greatest influence on the greatest number of workers. Neglecting the front lines can lead to...
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Profits are soaring in many U.S. companies. Leaders, beware. Financial growth could blind you to cultural issues within your organizations. Senior leaders must intentionally focus on organizational culture before blatant negative behaviors display a derailed culture for all to see....
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If you are having trouble executing strategy, you are not alone. Studies show that most senior leaders struggle with execution. The bridge between strategy and execution is the front-line leader. If you are merely using your front-line to enforce policies,...
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Because supervisors control the majority of the workforce, they have a substantial influence on how work happens. Therefore, one of the ways CEOs improve operationally is by executing “through the front lines”. However, a fundamental problem exists that must be...
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Front-line managers can tackle the most critical daily barriers. Senior managers have the opportunity to annihilate monumental barriers. Buffalo Bills Coach, Rex Ryan surely did knock down a big one. Last month, Ryan razed the enormous barrier of having no...
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Says Morgan Fraud, the author of The Thinking Corporation, “Given that we are all capable of contributing new ideas, the question becomes how do you successfully generate, capture, process and implement ideas?” Becoming an organization capable of answering this question...
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Growth through innovation/creativity. Rather than be constrained by ideas for new products, services and new markets coming from just a few people, a Thinking Corporation can tap into the employees....
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