Consultant Testimonial

“I joined DB&A with more than 15 years of manufacturing management experience & thought I knew a lot about leadership & management.  However, my short time with DB&A has shown & taught me a different perspective in which I have been challenged...
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“I came to DB&A seeking a reprieve from the mundane and repetitive tasks I saw in the production environment.  I can safely say that no two days have been alike at DB&A and the pace we push our clients and ourselves...
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“I joined DB&A to satisfy my desire to coach but also experience new and different businesses.  The two things that continue to stand out is the pace at which growth is capable and amount of knowledge I gain every single...
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“What has separated DB&A from every company I have worked for is not only their willingness but eagerness to invest in the people that are willing to invest in themselves day in and day out. Over my time here at...
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“My first three years with DB&A have been a journey full of new challenges, learning opportunities, & new relationships.  I have been afforded the opportunity to gain experience & collaborate with so many talented individuals & it has aided me...
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“I joined DB&A to satisfy my desire to coach but also experience new and different businesses.  The two things that continue to stand out is the pace at which growth is capable and amount of knowledge I gain every single...
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“I came to DB&A eager to take on a new challenge and learn from such a dynamic group of professionals.  In the last 2.5 years I have been pushed to levels professionally that I would have never thought possible and...
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“When I first joined the team, I was intrigued about the opportunity for several reasons, including the ability to learn about new industries, travel to new locations, and, most importantly, continue my development as both a business professional and a...
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“Prior to joining DB&A, I did not anticipate a career in consulting.  I was an operations guy who was quite comfortable in the corporate life. Growing into my role at DB&A has allowed me to expand on understanding the relationship...
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“DB&A has provided me opportunities in the last 22 months that I would’ve never experienced in a traditional role.  I’ve enjoyed working in unique industries, experiencing operating environments both across the country & overseas, & expediting my development at a faster...
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